What Drives A Prostitute
Types Of Prostitutes
Brothel are places where people go to pay for sex.These places are run by an agency which decides the price for the prostitution activities depending on the girl you choose.
3. The Escort Agency Employee
Here is a kind of prostitution that is controlled by an agency. That means the prostitutes pay some amount of money to the agency.The funds received by the agency is for offering them a sex room, foods and much more.
Here the agency also advises the prostitutes in their websites. Once the client wants prostitutes from a particular agency, the agency contacts the client. also, the sex worker is selected by the agency. They choose the most attractive who can easily attract customers.
4. Window Worker
That is another type of prostitution that mostly found in several places. Here the sex workers are displayed on the window to entice the passers-by to enter their rooms.
The rooms in this type of prostitution are connected to kitchen and bathroom. Hereafter the sex worker has gotten a client, they go straight to the sexual activities, and after the work, and they get back to the windows to look for more passerby to entice.
5. Streetwalker Prostitution
This type of prostitution, the sex workers stand in the street. They are more likely exploited. That is the most dangerous type of prostitution because very many street workers have been killed.
They are poorly paid,and sometimes they get beaten, and the payment is denied. One study found prostitutes in Colorado Springs were 18 times more likely to be murdered than other women of a similar age.
6. Bar or Casino Worker
These sex workers make initial contact with men at a bar or casino and then have sex at a separate location.
In bars in Thailand, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic, guys pay "Bar Fees"to leave a club with a worker and spend several days with her. The guys pay the women's expenses during that time, in an arrangement that often confers status on the prostitute. The women earn low-to-moderate salaries.
Background Of Prostitutes
It is difficult to generalize about the background or conditions of prostitutes because so much of what is known about them derives from studies of poorer and less-privileged individuals, people who are more likely to come into contacts with courts and official agencies.
Much more is known about streetwalkers, for example, than about the higher-status women who can be more selective about their clients and work conditions. Based on available studies, though, it is reasonable to assert that female sex workers often are economically disadvantaged and lack skills and training to support themselves. Many are drawn at an early age into prostitution and associated crime, and drug dependency can be an aggravating factor. They frequently are managed by a male procurer, or pimp, or by a supervisor, or madam, in a house of prostitution. Health hazards to prostitutes include sexually transmitted diseases, some of which may be acquired through drug abuse.
Male prostitution has received less public attention in most cultures. Heterosexual male prostitution-involving males hired by or for females-is rare. Homosexual male prostitution has probably existed in most societies, though only in the 20th century was it recognized as a major social phenomenon, and its prevalence increased during the late 20th and early 21st century.
Impact On Society
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